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Age and Weight Gain

Weight increase in middle-age is very common but it is not inevitable. Unfortunately, it IS extremely easy for weight gain to sneak up on you as you get older. Why do we gain weight as we age? There are several reasons why this happens, but the weight gain can be prevented if we are willing to make some changes in our lifestyle.


The primary causes of middle-age weight gain are poor diet choices, hormonal changes, higher levels of stress, and less physical activity. Fortunately, there are easy solutions to be found for each of these problems.

As we age, the rate at which our food metabolizes starts to slow down, causing muscle tissue loss and a corresponding increase in body fat. Because muscle tissue requires more energy to sustain itself than fat does, our bodies need fewer calories to run efficiently, and the surplus is stored as fat.

Hormonal changes can also be responsible for slowing down our metabolic rate, causing a drop in our body’s calorie needs. For women, this is especially problematic after menopause.

The final culprit, stress, can be responsible for slowing down our metabolic rate and increasing weight gain, especially around our waistline. This is as unhealthy as it is unwelcome.

The main reason, however, that we experience a metabolic drop is the decrease in exercise that seems to accompany us as we grow older. This does not mean you should give up and let the weight start adding up. It means you must take steps to increase your metabolism and make it easier to maintain your weight.


*Drink lots of water, at least 8 glasses a day. Water forces your body to run more efficiently, flushes harmful toxins out of your body, speeds up metabolism, and makes it easier to lose weight and burn fat.

*Participate in at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day, primarily focusing on aerobic activities that are heart healthy and have the greatest fat-burning potential. The best examples are walking (the easiest), swimming, bicycling, skating, and jogging. Increasing your activity level is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to rev up your sluggish metabolism.

*Follow a low-fat diet plan that includes a menu rich in fruits and vegetables. If you eat fats make sure they are the healthy fats like olive oil, nuts and seeds. Cut out as much sugar and starch as you can.

*Decrease your current calorie intake by 500 calories. This is very easy to do and will help you maintain your weight and avoid weight gain.

*If you lead a stressful lifestyle, find ways to reduce your stress level. Stress increases the levels of cortisol in your body causing fat to be deposited, mostly around your waistline. The more stressed you are, the more fat is deposited. Read, take walks, soak in the tub, listen to relaxing music, or whatever works for you.


*eating a diet high in fat

*eating too quickly

*eating in front of the TV

*leading a sedentary lifestyle

*allowing stress to control your life

Increasing our level of activity, eating a low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and reducing our stress level are all ways to help reduce age-related weight gain. The key is to make these lifestyle changes permanent ones.

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